Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thing #12 - Rollyo

Looking for crochet patterns or instructions? Use the custom search engine above to search seven crochet websites! My preferred sites are Lion Brand Yarn and Ravelry, but a search engine isn't very comprehensive with only two sites, so I added a few more. Some of them I'm familiar with, others I haven't used as often, but they are a wealth of information. I wanted to include Crochetville, but it's a discussion forum and I wasn't sure how that would work in a search engine. Another good source for instructinal videos is You Tube. You can easily search for a particular stitch and find a demonstration to help you along.


loladimz said...

If you want to explore some more, the custom search engine at Google offers more choices than Rollyo. It might be able to plumb the depths of the forum at Crochetville.

T said...

I might give that one a try, I wasn't too impressed with the search results from Rollyo. It wasn't finding the patterns on the Lion Brand website. I wonder if I could tailor something that would just find patterns?