Monday, November 3, 2008

Thing #7 - About Technology

So, I've been mulling over a topic I wanted to blog about. A few years ago, I read an article (with so many feeds and websites, who knows where I read it) about how MySpace was starting to lose ground to specialized social network sites. I don't remember the article too clearly, but I do remember thinking: I wonder how long that will take to trickle down to our everyday users? It had to have been about three years ago, but we still haven't seen a decline in the number of people using our computers to access MySpace! Without that article to point to as the premise, the rest of it's no good. I wanted to talk about trendspotting, access, and how the "digital divide" still exists, despite the access to computers we provide.

Instead, let's talk about white space. If we get to the point where there's free broadband wifi, I'll definitely have to get an iPod Touch, or a netbook, or some sort of new device that is sure to be out soon. With as many people as we get who come in with their wifi ready laptops, can you image how much demand there will be for this new access? For much less than a laptop, you could pull an internet connect from just about anywhere. How cool would that be?

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