Thursday, October 16, 2008

Halloween Costumes (not for work)

For the second year in a row, my son wants to be Superman for Halloween! Good thing we bought last year's pajamas/costume a size larger, if we're lucky, it'll still fit. My daughter wants to be Wonder Woman, which is a welcome change from last year's Snow White. So I thought my husband and I could also be super heroes, a sort of family of Justice League characters. Good idea, right? Except that most female super heroes are um, very scantily clothed! No way that's gonna work for me. So it was suggested that my husband and I be villains! How cool would that be?! Any suggestions for a super villain duo?


The Other J said...

I love the title of your post. I must admit I was a bit disappointed that we couldn't dress up at work, not because I dress up but I like to see what others will dress up as.

One of my nephews this year wants to be Domo and I have no idea how to make that happen, although one of my nieces mentioned seeing the costume somewhere.

One of my sisters and her ex used to always go as a couple for Halloween. They won quite a bit of costume contests because she said most people don't go dressed up to clubs and such and so they always had a good shot.

As for super villain duo suggestions after a google search I found Aurora and Northstar on this list of brother/sister super villain duos.

T said...

I was surprised when I went to Target and saw Domo everywhere! He is kinda cute. I wonder if wire hangers would be strong enough to make a frame for your nephew. Then you'd just have to cover it with brown felt, add the eyes, and could probably make the mouth with a red mesh material, so he could see.

It would probably help in our costume decision, if I actually read comic books! We might just go with orange jumpsuits, since we'll be trailing behind the kiddos anyway. Then it'll be like they've already caught the bad guys. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh! I always liked, The Penguin, from Batman.

According to Wikipedia,"He is sometimes aided by two henchwomen: a masked pair called the Kabuki Twins".

Of course, I may be biased. I'm always dressed in black and white myself.

Crism said...

They're not really duos, but you could go as a combination of Batman's nemeses. (Poison Ivy & Joker or Catwoman & Two-faced, etc.)

Jamie said...

You could mix it up and be a comic book/Children's literature crossover group and be The Wicked Witch of the West and Voldemort.

T said...

Hm, good idea, Jamie! My husband wanted to be the Hulk, but I wasn't sure about painting him green. But if we're both green, that's a different story - btw, who is this "Voldemort" person? :)

Jamie said...

I forget how woefully uniformed you are about the more important things in life.