Monday, December 22, 2008

Thing #20 - You Tube

Didn't we do YouTube already? Anyway, here's an example of an instructional video found on YouTube. I've got a small laminated booklet that shows illustrations of crochet stitches, but sometimes, it's still hard to understand a stitch and watching it makes it much easier to understand.

As for the entertainment I came across this on another blog. Seems the dance in Beyonce's All the Single Ladies video was inspired by a Bob Fosse dance called Mexican Breakfast. Here's a nice hybrid of the original dance, with Beyonce's song.


Jamie said...

I really enjoyed this video. I like the Beyonce video but had no idea it was a takeoff from this.

T said...

I've also recently found YT videos of a New York Elementary school choir that sings Tori Amos songs!

Here's their website: